
Flutter run build ndk not found macbook m1

I just got a new Macbook M1, and I tried to build the app using flutter on iOS and Android. And I got a some issues that I need to solve. And there's an issue that I cannot find on the internet that I want to share with you. It's actually a simple solution but it's really important for you guys that want to build the android app on PlayStore. Because if you don't fix this issue, you cannot build the app actually. It takes me a few hours to fix the issue. That's why I want to share this with you all, so it saves you a lot of time. So Basically you need create inside android folder. And define these properties so Android can know where exactly the ndk. After I inserted these properties, now I can run the app on Android just fine.

Combining Snapshot Firestore in Flutter

Hello everyone, it's novermber now. It's almost the end of year. So Many things happened in this year. I learned a lot. And for this article I want to share about something that I just know. It's very helpful for me to use this technique.  The reason why I need to combine the snapshot, it's because I need to optimize showing data in the app. Before I just show all of data to be shown by users and it's not good to do it if you have many data. It makes your app slow because firebase has limitation time to show many data I check by myself. And It cost me a lot as well to show many data that I think it's ugly. So one thing I need to figure it out is using this technique that I found on the internet. Because in firestore as well you cannot query where two times with same field. I think what you can do is using two snapshot and combining it.

Easy and Simple Animation with Flutter

Halo all, It's October now and I feel it so fast the months goes by. And there's good news I finally can release my new app called Age Life which is available on App Store and Play Store. Basically you can create and ready any advices based on age. You can like the advice and it will be saved as well, so basically it's like bookmark to mark the advice that you like and you can see it agan later in "My Liked" page. And there's another feature to translate the advice from any languages to your native language. This is based on google translate feature. And lasly it's text to speech if you wanna hear it by voice., It's possbile to do it using Text to speech feature. For the technology that I used it's simple. It's used flutter for frontend Android and iOS and for backend, notification and authentication I used firebase. So far the limitation that I found using firebase is the firestore that doesn't support like the real DB like MySQL or Postgr...

How to restart the app with flutter Android and iOS

Hi all, welcome back to my blog. And today lesson is about flutter again. I have a little problem when trying to resart the app directly from the app. So what I mean is I want to restart the app after users do something. Because if I don't do it, the app flow will be bad and the data that I want to refresh will be failed. So in my use case in my app is I want to restart the app after user sign in or sign out in my app. The reason is I need to restart all of the previous state. That's the easy way I can do, and I have some problems with camera plugin. The problem is happened only on android, so when you click sign in google/facebook, there'll be new page native from their sdk and making the app in inactive status. That'll will make camera bug, and it will make the app crash.

Using Android Device as Daily Function Calling API

Hi guys, it's a august month, I really want to share something worth today. I found an unique idea for my issue. This is about notification daily that's in Food Today app that I usually do it manually. Before I usually push notification about food holiday everyday. But the time when I pushed it. It's random not always exact time. Then suddenly in my mind I think I can make it automatically pushing notification without third party like firebase function that now I have. I had it for backup data firebase in other project every week one time. Because you know it's quite expensive for me to do it daily. So I made it only once a week and so far I satisified. And as you know in Android we can do periodic using AndroidAlarmManager you can check here . And I combine it with firebase notification so at spesific time 5:00 am everyday. And so far It always call the firebase notif. If you're curious about this app you can dow...

Fix Warning Debug Symbols in Play Store with Flutter Android

  Hi all, This post was written at the end of july, tomorrow is august. So It's luck I have an issue that I can share with you guys. For this post I want to share about warning that I usually ignore in play store. After I uploaded the appbundle and see the warning message.  You can just ignore it because it's just a warning. No neccessary to do, but it will be nice if we can solve it. So it'll be benefit for analysis in debug. That's was written in picture above, for me I haven't got experiences what will make app for analyses. Maybe I will update it later. Ok first thing you need to do is installing NDK in Android Studio if you already have it, just skip installing session. To install it you can go to tools->sdk manager->sdk tools tab. And the select NDK and CMake then install it.

Upgrade My Projects to Flutter 2.0 Experience And It Suprises Me

Hi all, this post I'm gonna share what I encounter when upgrading the project to flutter. Especially this app Food Today. That's been around 1 years in App Store and Play Store. The app helps people to capture moment with their daily foods so they can control it as food diary. Other than that there's food holiday everyday that will inspire you to eat what foods for today. Still a lot of features that you can get. Just try it. I have an issue on iOS where I need to update my pod file to make platform :ios, '11.0'. Before It's 9.0, I think now 9.0 is deprecated and we can't use it anymore for the next updated plugin. Like I used a lot firebase feature. And so thare are coding adjusment that will break your code that you need to read the their docs. But usually there's error message in console about proper way to solve it. Now like snackbar from flutter need to be changed according to the new one,