UICollectionView and UIPageControl With Video And Image Swift 4.2

Hello guys, today I want to share with you more complicated tutorial. Because you need to understand coding basic. I don't explain you how to use UICollectionView or UIPageControl. I will share you with you how to combine them to make a good application. So let's do it now :D. Fasten your selbet.

This is the screenshoot how UICollectionView combine with UIPageControl and it shows video and image through UIPageControl. 

First you need to build the UI. Here i uses storyboard to design the layout. Create UICollectionView and insert UIPageControl. Ofcourse you need to create UICollectionViewCell.

Then you need to create UIViewController to create UICollectionView and UIPageControl objects and start to configure them to make what we want.

For video template I use MMPlayerLayer because I can put the controls play pause button. But by default you can use AVPlayerLayer.

So that's basically you can do. I'm Sorry if I don't explain you in detail, but you can ask me anything related to this topic. I hope it can help you make a better app. See you in the next post :D.

Oh.. I forget to put MMPlayerLayer library link if you want to include it in your project. Here it is https://github.com/MillmanY/MMPlayerView.

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