My Two Apps Got Submission Rejected from Play Store


Aug 31, 2020 that's the date when I decided to add my screenshots for 7-inch and 10-inch tablet and video preview of my app for all my apps on Play Store. I have 8 apps on Play Store right now. My most download apps is counting workout. It has 2k active users. So my first app that I updated to add the screenshots and video is counting workout. It doesn't have any issues. Everything works fine, you can check it now, there's new screenshots for 7-inch 10-inch tablets and video from my youtube channel.

And the second app that I updated is "Catatakan Keuangan - Expenses". After I updated the screenshots and the video, I got email from Play Store that has title "Action Required: Your app is not compliant with Google Play Policies (Catatan Keuangan - Expenses)". I was shocked what I have done to violate Google Play Policies. Then I remembered that I only changed "Full Description". It's just a little text that I edited.

I was thinking that maybe it's because of the words that break the Google Play Policies. But I don't think so, I'm sure it's because of bot that wrongly checked my app. And the message that I got from email is not clear what should I change. It just says "We identify risk of abuse using various items such as previous violation history, user feedback, and use of popular brands, characters, and other assets.". It's not spesific like what assets that my app breaks.

Then I tried to appeal to googleplay-developer-support, there's a link in the email message where they said you can appeal. So after two days I got an email again, they said my app still violates Google Play Policy. So they give two steps to fix the issues. First "Fix the policy violation with your app" and Second "Step 2: Submit your updated app or APK". So again in the description they didn't tell the spesific things what it is in my app that violates. They said in bigger picture on screenshot below. 

My app is still in Play Store, but cannot be updated. That's how the situation now, it takes my time to wonder and seach what violation I did. So I tried to change the app icon "marker" icon to "compass" icon for To Go List app. I didn't know why I just assumed it's because of app icon. Then suddenly something in my mind told that maybe the violation because I used brand name like "Google".

So It's very easy to do than changing icon app. I tried to remove all texts in store listing related to "Google" brand like google drive, I changed it to "drive" only without google. So no more brand like "google" in my store listing. Finally after one day my two apps "Catatan Keuangan - Expenses" and "To Go List" was not rejected again after submission update. 

I hope my experience can help you too if you face issue like me. Be careful for what you write in your store listing. Make sure it follows Google Play Policy. Thanks for visiting my blog. Have a nice day.

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